Friday, July 26, 2013

We are by no means department store snobs, but we aren’t penny pinchers either. There are plenty of good drugstore options & awesome DIY tutorials on Pinterest these days but sometimes you need to splurge on the high end stuff. We’ll give you a quick synopsis of our lives up until now which will lead into the philosophy of this blog.

“I was born in December of 1987 and came home to my childhood home in Snohomish, WA. My parents still live in that home today. I was my parents’ first child. Then my sister was born in February of 1990. We grew up in a house where my dad worked & my mom stayed at home. I was always a little ahead of my time; always wishing I was at that next stage. I fell in love with my husband when I was 15, got my first full time job at 18 and was married with a house at 20. I told you I was ahead of my time. We had our first child, Connor, about a year and a half into our marriage. That first year was hard. We had little money, despite both of us working and Connor was a…difficult baby. When Connor was 2 we decided it was time to give him a little brother or sister. Harrison was born in August of 2012 & I quit my job to be a stay at home mom. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom so I was (& still am) very excited about this opportunity that I’ve been given. We’ve decided that our family is complete & now that I’m done making babies it’s time to spend a little time taking care of me. I’m having fun remembering why I loved makeup, trying some new brands & new techniques. I’ve finally discovered the wonders of skin care! There are few people in my life as interested in makeup/skincare as I am so I’m here to type out some words for anyone who will listen. Be you a mom, single, newlywed, empty nester, teenager, it doesn’t matter. We’re here to talk makeup, hair, skincare & maybe a fashion post now and again.
The twist is that I’ll be blogging with my dear sister. Our mother always said we would be best friends when we grew up & we didn’t believe her. Fine mom, you were right. We want to explore the concept of saving & splurging. As you read above, I’m a stay at home mom. That means we have 1 income. I am working on a budget. There’s a time to save (dupes!) and there’s a time to splurge.”

“I’m trying to figure out some clever way to say hi to you all without sounding pretentious or cheesy, but it isn’t quite working so I’ll just go with hello and welcome to our world. My sister Nat and I have known each other for twenty-three and a half years (though she’s been around two years and two months longer) and we’ve decided that we like each other enough to start this blog together. We want to show you what it’s like to live a fun and stylish life, saving money where it makes sense so that you can splurge on what’s really worth it.
                I’m Julia, by the way. As you may have guessed I’m twenty-three years old, and the younger sister of this duo. I’m unmarried, but dating a wonderful man. Right now I work part time and take the occasional community college class when I feel it sounds like a good idea. I’m living at home right now, but I’m trying to make my little corner of the house be as me as possible. I’m running out of bookshelves. Might have to try and make some.
                I love playing around with makeup. My skin is extremely fair with lots of freckles, and I have blue eyes, so I’ll be doing a lot of showing you what works for that complexion type. From foundations that honestly are not too dark, to eye shadow and mascara that will really make things pop (and yes, pale people can rock a bold lip!).”

Sometimes a drugstore item is just as good (maybe better) than the high end version. Sometimes a high end item will last FOREVER & a cheap one is gone in a few months. Sometimes that expensive item ends up being cheaper in the long run. And friends, sometimes that expensive item saves you no money but the product is just so damn luxurious, effective, beautiful (you fill in the adjective) that you just have to splurge. We’ll be exploring all of that & more.

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